Saturday, February 2, 2013

     Where does the time go?? I have been so busy with school and trying to finish up 3 projects that are due soon. I hope I can finish up this weekend.
      I went to my last therapy appt yesterday. I was measured and she took pictures. Around my knee I'm actually a little more swollen than when I started. But I'm hoping with losing weight it will go down.I am down a total of 25 pounds so far. I have a long way to go but I WILL get there!
     I became close to one the the occupational therapists.I saw her 3 days a week, about 2 1/2 hrs a day for 8 weeks. She was on another floor working but came down to see me to say goodbye. It was bittersweet.I'm so happy to be done because it's really time consuming. But I will really miss our talks. She wants me to keep her updated on my progress so I'm sure we will be in touch. I even cried and hugged her. The staff at the lymphedema clinic is wonderful and she helped give me hope and they gave me the tools to live a normal life when I didn't think it would be possible. I just have to accept my new normal. Some days I do accept it,other days it's harder.
     At clinicals this week I met an lpn who has had lymphedema for over 20 years. To look at her you can't even tell. She has it in her leg as well but it's from her knee down. She did pull up her pant leg and she was swollen. But seeing her after having it for so long gave me even more hope that things will be okay.She never went to therapy,wraps her leg or learned the manual lymph drainage massages. Hopefully I will have even more progress since I am doing those things.
     I went to the gym yesterday and it felt great! My toe piece came in last week and I am able to wear my shoes. It's a little tight though. I may need to buy another identical pair in a bigger size because I don't know how much longer I can put up with it.I have been having some foot pain and I don't want to make it worse by wearing too tight of a shoe. I'm hoping with exercising it will help some of the swelling to go down though.
Have a great weekend! :)

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